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Thin Down with Mesotherapy

This where medication is injected using a very fine needle, into the fat layer. It shrinks the fat cells and it is absorbed by the kidneys. Dermatologists use this for shrinking the cellulite. This was invented in 1952, and this is used by many technicians. This is used to melt cellulite, weight loss, and spot weight reduction. Mesotherapy injections melt the trapped fat.


Depending on the condition, our experience has allowed us to come up with the best combination of medicine. We get these from our local pharmacist in the United States. We use the most effective medication to treat the patient's needs, and we treat many patients. The results are usually seen after the fourth treatment, and the treatments are on a weekly basis. Patients usually see a decrease after ten treatments. The patients that are in good health, are the candidates for this treatment.

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